공부하자/영어 한마디

자연스럽게 영어 말하기 - well 사용하기

사직서는 가슴에 품고 2019. 6. 15. 20:57

자연스럽게 영어 말하기

현지인처럼 영어로 말하고 싶다면, Well, You Know, Actually, Anyway 등 discourse makers를 이용해보자.

별 것 아닌 것 같지만, 입에 붙으면 대화를 자연스럽게 이어나가는데 많은 도움이 된다.  

Well : 사실
You know : 너도 알다시피..
Actually : 사실 
Anyway : 어쨌든 
Mind you : 그런데 말이야 
As I was saying : 내가 저번에 말했던 것처럼 
Basically : 기본적으로 

© Pexels, 출처 Pixabay


다음 문장을 생각하거나,
다음 단계로 넘어갈 때,
중간중간 넣어주면 좀 더 자연스러워 보이니, 자연스럽게 입에서 나올 수 있도록 연습을 해보자.
물론 과한 것은 금물이다.

You know I was hosting an amazing dinner party last night?
Actually, it was a complete disaster - I burnt the meat… people arrived when I was still cooking. Mind you, I did say 'turn up when you want'… and I did start cooking pretty late! Anyway, as I was saying, I burnt the meat, the dishes were all ready at different times... the dessert was… oh come to think of it, I completely forgot to serve dessert! So basically, everyone went home hungry. Anyway, how was your evening? By the way, before I forget, it's my birthday next week and I'm having a dinner party do you want to come?
